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Courses held in the past academic years

List of courses 2018-19

Dates: 13-16 novembre 2018
Location: Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Via San Geminiano 3, Modena
Title: Corsi di formazione complementare per dottorandi
Speakers: Ufficio Ricerca e Trasferimento Tecnologico

Dates: January 2019
Title: English for Research
Lecturer: Adrian Wallwork

Dates: December 2018 to February 2019
Location: University of Pavia, Doctoral programme in Physics
Title: Quantum Computing

  May 21 (Tue) 14-16
  May 22 (Wed) 16-18
  May 24 (Fri) 16-18
  May 28 (Tue) 14-16
  May 29 (Wed) 16-18
All the lectures will be held in Room L1.6.
Title: Transport phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructures
Lecturer: Prof. Nobuyuki Sano - University of Tzukuba

  Thu 2 May; time: 14-16h; room L1.5
  Fri 3 May: time: 14-16h; room: L1.6
  Tue 7 May : time 16-18h; room: L1.7
  Wed 8 May: time 16-18h; room: L1.7
Title: Theoretical optical spectroscopy
Lecturer: Prof. Eleonora Luppi Univ. Sorbonne, Paris FR
Program [pdf]

  Tuesday 14th May 2019; time 9h-11h; room L1.7; Intro to Synchrotron Radiation/Soft X-ray beamlines
  Friday 17th May 2019; time 9h-11h room L1.7; Photoemission Spectroscopy (PES)
  Monday 20th May 2019; time 9h-11h; room L1.4; Angle Resolved PES/ Photoelectron Diffraction
  Tuesday 21st May 2019; time 9h-11h room L1.7; X-ray absorption Spectroscopy/Resonant X-ray Emission
  Thursday 23rd May 2019; time 14h-16h; room L1.5; X-ray standing wave spectroscopy/ Photoelectron holography
  Friday 24th May 2019; time 9h-11h room L1.5; PEEM/LEEM Near Ambient spectroscopy / HAXPES
Title: Soft X-ray spectroscopies using synchrotron radiation
Lecturer: Prof. Tony Cafolla, Dublin City University
Abstract [pdf]

  Tuesday 2nd April 2019; time 11h-13h; room L1.7
  Wednesday 3rd April 2019; time 14h-16h room L1.7
  Tuesday 9th April 2019; time 14h-16h; room L1.4
  Wednesday 10th April 2019; time 14h-16h room L1.4
Title: Ab initio modelling of molecular magnetism: The case of Lanthanide-based Single Molecule Magnets
Lecturer: Prof. Alessandro Soncini, University of Melbourne (AUS)
Proposed Teaching Activity [pdf]

Dates: 2019
Title: Multiferroic materials
Lecturer: Prof. C. Picozzi, Univ. L’Aquila

As concerns courses and international schools on graphene, please note the following international events organized within the GRAPHENE Flagship:

List of courses 2018

Dates: 4, 11, 18, 25 May; 1 June; 8,11 June; 15, 18 June
Time: 10-12 location: room: L1.5 o L1.6
Title: An Introduction to Quantum Science
  • lecturer: Prof. M. Paris (Univ. Milano), Dr. P. Bordone, Dr. F. Troiani (CNR-Nano)
  • Abstract:
    • Kinematics: States, statistical operators and purifications
    • Measurements: Operators, POVM and Naimark theorem
    • Dynamics: Quantum operations, CP-maps, Kraus theorem
    • Quantum Hypotesis Testing: State discrimination and binary communication
    • Quantum estimation theory: Logarithmic derivative and Quantum Fisher information
    • Entanglement I: Entanglement for pure and mixed states, entanglement criteria and quantification, some applications of entanglement
    • Entanglement II: Entanglement concentration and purification, entanglement witness
    • Entanglement for identical particles
    • Quantum walks

Dates: to be defined in June
Title: Molecular Spintronics
Lecturer: Prof. Soncini (Univ. of Melbourne Aus.)

Dates: 10 (Thursday); 14 (Monday); 17 (Thursday) May
Time: 14-17h; location: room L 1.5
Title: Computational Nanophotonics
  • lecturer: Prof. Ulrich Honester (Univ. Graz)
  • Abstract: In this lecture I will give a brief introduction to the most common Maxwell solvers used in the field of computational nanophotonics. These include the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, the finite element method (FEM), the discrete dipole approximation (DDA), and the boundary element method (BEM). I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques, and will provide an overview of the existing software (commercial and open source). A few selected applications in the fields of nanophotonics and nanospectroscopy will be given. I will also address challenges and prospects for future developments.

  Monday 12 Feb 14-17
  Tuesday 13 Feb 14-18
  Wednsday 14 Feb 14-17
Topological Matter
  • lecturer: Raffaele Resta Univ. Trieste

Dates: 10-20 Jan. 2018
The Physics of Solar Cells; from Single Junction Devices to Nanostructured Systems
  • lecturer: Ivan Marri
  • Location: Centro S3, Istituto Nanoscienze del CNR, Modena, Italy
  • Short program:
    • A general introduction on the topic accessible to a broad audience, including non-specialist in the field.
    • A detailed description of the single-junction solar cell devices; the Shockley-Queisser limit, the drift and diffusion current, and the loss factors. Introduction to the amorphous silicon based solar cells.
    • An exhaustive description of the dye-sensitized solar cell devices. Theoretical methods and experimental results.
    • A detailed introduction to the third-generation solar cell devices. Nanostructured solar cell prototypes. Effects induced by the quantum confinement of the carrier density on the excited carriers dynamics.

English for Research
  • lecturer: Adrian Wallwork
  16 Jan 2018 : 13.30 - 16.30
  17 Jan 2018: 09.30-12.30, 13.30-15.30
  18 Jan 2018 09.30-11.30
   6 Feb 2018: 13.30 - 16.30
   7 Feb 2018: 09.30-12.30, 13.30-15.30
   8 Feb 2018 09.30-11.30
room: U1.2, first floor at Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche DSCG di via Campi 130

Complementary training for graduate students in 2017

Speakers: Ufficio Ricerca e Trasferimento Tecnologico

Dates: 14, 15, 16, 17 Novembre 2017
Location: Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Via San Geminiano 3, Modena

Program and classrooms

List of courses 2017

Dates: 27-29 Nov; 1-5-7 Dec. 2017 time 11h-13
Physics of the single electron in the transmission electron microscope
  • lecturer: prof. Giulio Pozzi (Professore Alma Marter Unibo)
  • Location: seminar room CNR-NANO 3rd floor
  • Abstract: After recalling basic ideas from geometrical and wave light optics, the lens effect of static electromagnetic fields of cylindrical symmetry is demonstrated in the framework of classical mechanics for paraxial charged particles. Using a transmission electron microscope as versatile electron optical bench, the mysteries of quantum mechanics are revealed by showing interference experiments carried out with single electrons interacting with submicrometric slits and thin charged wires (electron biprism). The quantum theory of the paraxial motion of the electron in the lens field is then developed by solving the Schroedinger equation using the eikonal and multislice approximations. Further experiments on multiple beam interference, the interference of probability amplitudes and the magnetic and electric Aharonov-Bohm effects are presented and interpreted.

"Chemical Dynamics of Condensed Matter"
  • lecturer: Prof. Annabella Selloni
  • Course program:
    • Training goals: Provide the background, concepts and basic techniques needed to understand charge and energy transfer and relaxation processes, and more generally the dynamics of a quantum system coupled to an environment.
      Prerequisites: Knowledge acquired during bachelor years, especially Quantum Mechanics, and related Mathematical Methods.
    • Background: Quantum dynamics using the time dependent Schroedinger equation, matter-radiation field interaction. Time correlation functions. Introduction to quantum relaxation processes. Quantum mechanical density operator. Linear response theory. The spin-boson model. Applications: Chemical reactions in condensed phases. Solvation dynamics. Electron transfer processes.

  • "Classical and Quantum linear response: from lattice dynamics to optical spectroscopy and thermal Transport."
    • lecturer: Prof. Stefano Baroni SISSA Trieste
        April 28 (Fri)  14:00 – 15.30, 16.00 – 17:30 3h
        May 5 (Fri)     14:00 – 15.30, 16.00 – 17:30 3h
        May 18 (Th)   11:15 – 12.00, 12.15 – 13:00 1.5h
        May 19 (Fri)   14:00 – 15.30, 16.00 – 17:30 3h
        May 25 (Th)   11:15 – 12.00, 12.15 – 13:00 1.5h
        May 26 (Fri)   14:00 – 15.30, 16.00 – 17:30 3h

Cicle of courses on Quantum Technologies:
  • "Introduction to Quantum Optics"
    • lecturer: Dr. Troiani (CNR-Nano)
    • Program:
        1. Relevant quantum states and quantum coherence
        2. Atom-photon interaction: the Jaynes-Cummings model
        3. Optical tests of quantum mechanics
        4. Applications of quantum optics
        5. Solid-state implementations of quantum optics
        6. Density matrix and quantum-regression theorem
    • dates: 8, 10, 12, 15 May, time 9h to 11h
    • location: seminar room, 3rd floor Dpt Physics.
  • "Coulomb blockade spectroscopy"
    • lecturer: Dr. M. Rontani (CNR-Nano)
    • Duration: 8 hrs
    • Program: quantum dots in different systems, Coulomb blockade, spin blockade in double dots, elettron-elettron interaction exchange interaction, Wigner molecules, Kondo effect.
    • dates:
        June 12 (Mon) 11:00 – 13.00, Aula L1.6 (ex Aula B) 1st floor
        June 13 (Tue) 09:00 – 11.00, Aula L1.6 (ex Aula B) 1st floor
        June 14 (Wed) 09:00 – 11.00, Seminar room Cnr-Nano 3rd floor
        June 15 (Thu) 09:00 – 11.00, Seminar room Cnr-Nano 3rd floor
12 to 16 June
  • "Quantum charge transport in mesoscopic systems"
    • lecturer: Dr. P. Bordone 6hrs (UNIMORE) + 2 hrs by Dr. A. Bertoni
    • Program: Introduction An overview of present and future semiconductor electronic devices. Semiclassical approach to charge transport. Is quantum transport necessary? Sources of decoherence. Low-dimensional structures. Coulomb and spin-blockade. Relevant experimental results. Single-particle picture Electron flow, rate equations and the quantum of conductance. Landauer-Buttiker formula. Nonzero temperature and linear response regime. Open systems. Mean-field approach. Relation with the multi-electron picture: Charging energy and correlation energy. Numerical example: Resonant tunneling diode with the quantum transmitting boundary method. Numerical example: Green functions method and the self-energy of the leads. Numerical example: MOS capacitor with the self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson procedure.
    • location: Aula L1.4 (ex. Aula D).
    • dates:
        June 13 (Tue) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 14 (Wed) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 15 (Thu) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 16 (Fri) 11:00 – 13.00
  • "Semiconductor nanowires: chemistry and physics in play, from fundamental science to advanced technology"
    • lecturer: Dr. Michele Amato, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N), Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (France)
    • Topics:
      • A general introduction on the topic accessible to a broad audience, including non-specialists in the field;
      • A detailed description of the experimental evidences of the NWs chemical and physical properties;
      • An exhaustive review of the theoretical state-of-art on the properties of NWs, trying to bridge gaps between theoretical modeling and its consolidation into experiments;
      • An overview of the most exciting technological applications of these materials, highlighting their connections with basic solid-state phenomena.
    • location: Seminar room CNR-S3 of 3rd floor.
    • dates:
        June 19 (Mon) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 21 (Wed) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 22 (Thu) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 26 (Mon) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 28 (Wed) 11:00 – 13.00
        June 30 (Fri) 11:00 – 13.00
Other courses on Quantum Technologies in collaboration with Univ. Pisa and with external speakers.

List of courses 2016

  • "Solid-state NMR: a Technique for the Characterization of Materials and Biomolecules"
    • Moreno Lelli, Center of Magnetic Resonance (CERM), Chemistry Department of the University of Florence, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy
    • place: Seminar room 3rd floor Physics date: 4th November
    • The seminar is organized in two parts




  • “(Nano)Tribology and materials to reduce friction”
    • Dr. C. Righi (DFIM, UNIMORE) dates:
      -  9 Nov. time 3pm to 5pm : location : S3-CNR Seminar room 3rd floor Physics. Dpt
      -  16 e 23 Nov. time 11am to 1pm location : S3-CNR Seminar room 3rd floor Physics. Dpt
    • The scope of the course is to provide a basic introduction to (Nano)Tribology.
      At the end of the course the students will understand the basic concepts of materials interfaces and frictional phenomena.
      They will also obtain the basic information to access independently the scientific literature.
    • The course is divided in three lessons, as follows:

      1. Introduction to (Nano)Tribology and basic concepts of interface physics. (2 h)

      2. Computational and experimental methods to investigate solid interfaces and frictional phenomena. (2 h)

      3. Materials to reduce friction, with emphasis on materials for nanoscale applications. (2 h)

  • “Python for computational science”
    • Dr. Nicola Spallanzani CINECA January 25, 26, 27. Lab. At Depart of Mathematics
  • “Electronic structure of transition metal oxides”
    • Prof. Cesare Franchini University of Vienna, Austria, 9-11-16-18 February time: 15h to 17h. room A (L1.7)
  • “Nanomechanical properties of living cells and their relevance in deasease”.
    The mechanics of biosystems: from lipid bilayers to living cells
    • Prof. A. Alessandrini UNIMORE 22-24-26 February; time 15h to 17h; location room A (L1.7) Physics Dpt.
  • “Graphene oxide and other 2D systems: from fundamentals to applications”
    • Prof. Luca Ottaviano Univ L’Aquila 1-2-3 March 2016, time: 15h to17h; location: room B (L1.6),
  • “Nanomagnetism and Magnetic Relaxation in Nanostructures”
    • Miguel Novak Univ. Rio de Janeiro (BR) 3-4-5-10-11-12 May, time: 15h to 17h; location: room C (L1.5)
  • “Electro Paramagnetic Resonance for Biological Applications”
    • Dr. Anna Wisniewska-Becker Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Krakowie (PL) 18-19-20 May, time: 15h to 17h; location: room C (L1.5)


      1. Spin labels - their chemical structure, properties and EPR spectra analysis

      2. Investigation of biomembrane properties using EPR spin labeling:
        a) fluidity
        b) polarity
        c) oxygen diffusion
        d) domain structure

      3. Reactive oxygen species generation:
        a) spin trapping of free radicals
        b) oxygen consumption as a measure of lipid peroxidation

  • “Introduction to noncommutative field theory”
    • Prof. Pablo Pisani 9-10-16-17 June


      1st day. Introduction to noncommutative spacetimes.
      Noncommutative coordinates. Weyl-Wigner transform. Most relevant properties of the Groenewold-Moyal product. Some implications in quantum mechanics.

      2nd day. Noncommutative Field Theories.
      Quantum field theories on Moyal spacetimes. Feynman diagrams. UV/IR mixing. Langmann-Szabo duality. Noncommutative gauge theories.

      3rd day. Applications to Quantum Hall Effect.
      Strong magnetic fields and noncommutative coordinates. Connection between Laughlin theory and noncommutative Chern-Simons models.

      4th day. Renormalization of Noncommutative Field Theories.
      The Grosse-Wulkenhaar model. Some extensions to gauge theories. Renormalization in the noncommutative torus.

  • "CIGS"
    • Aula L1.2 (Aula F) June 27, 28, 29 Depart of Physics, Via Campi 213/A
    • Program

Complementary training for graduate students in 2015

Program and classrooms

  • September 28th, 2015
    • Opportunities and pathways to national and international reserach and innovation (in italian)
          Barbara Rebecchi ore 9.30-13.00
    • Project Design
         Donata Franzi ore 14.00-17.00
  • October 5th, 2015
    • Mobitlity of researchers, FullBright and Euraxesses Portal
         Barbara Villani ore 9.00-11.00
    • Budgeting
         Claudio Delrio ore 11.30-13.30
    • The intellectual property rigths (in italian)
         Giulia Catellani e Valeria Bergonzini ore 14.30-16.30
  • October 6th, 2015
    • Business Planning
         Francesco Baruffi Democenter ore 9.00-11.00
    • The EU funding for active citizenship
         Europe Direct Modena ore 11.30-13.30
    • Career Development - (3 groups, maximum 10 people/group, reservation required)
         Speaker to be defined 14.30-18.00

List of courses 2015

  • Wave-function based approximations to study electronic and optical properties of finite systems
    • Alain DelGado CNR NANO 9-13 March 2015
  • Quantum transport in nanostructures
    • Arrigo Calzolari. CNR NANO 8-19 April 2015
  • Molecular Magnetism and Spintronics
    • Alessandro Soncini. University of Melbourne(Aus) part 2. April-May 2015
  • Density functional approaches for equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantum many-body effects on the nanoscale
    • Stefano Pittalis. CNR NANO. June 2015

List of courses 2014

  • Graphene:
    • A multi-disciplinary approach to graphene, (6ECTS)
    • 21-23 May, room C 3pm, D. Prezzi Electronic and optical pr.
    • 28-29 May, Room C 3pm, A. Candini, Fabrication, Transport and Spintronic with gr.
    • 19+20 June, S. Huen “H-storage with graphene”
    • 27 June, A. Perez Martinez "Quantum Hall Effect and Faraday Rotation in Graphene: a QED approach"
    • 11 July, V. Palermo, “STM with graphene”
    • + October2014
  • bio-molecular systems and their interactions with environment.
    • "Molecular biophysics of proteins and RNA" C.Cecconi (3ECTS) 17-18-24-25 June room C, Physics Dpt
  • Quantum phenomena at the nanoscale.
    • "Quantum Transport in Nanostructures” Dr.A. Calzolari (3ECTS), Sept-Oct2014
    • "Molecular Magnetism and Spintronics (3ETCS)” r. Alessandro Soncini. University of Melbourne (Aus) Dec. 2014
  • Theoretical models and tools for nanosystems:
    • “Non-equilibrium Green Functions” Prof. C. Jacoboni (6ECTS) 26-27th June+ 3-4-5 June 2014 room C, Physics Dpt
    • "Wave-function based approximations to study electronic and optical properties of finite systems" A. DelGado (4ECTS)
      • Nov. 24 - 25 - 28, Dec 1st 14h-17h room D 1st floor
  • Advanced experimental techniques for studing nanosystems.
    • “Transmission Electron Microscopy“ V. Grillo (3ECTS) April+5May 2014
    • “Synchrotron radiation techniques applied to nanostrctures” P. Luches (3ECTS) Oct
      • Nov 17 - 18 - 20 15h-17h room D, first floor

List of courses 2013 (.pdf )

List of the courses 2012 (.pdf)

  • Quantum information and  foundations of statistical mechanics: statics and dynamics (pdf
  • Spin waves in spintronics and magnonics
  • Electron transfer pathway control in biomolecular and small molecule systems: the role of fluctuations (pdf)
  • Transmission electron Microscopy   (pdf)
  • Conduct and misconduct in science (pdf)
  • Lecture slides here  (slides1 slides2 slides3)

List of the courses 2011: (.pdf)

  • Electronic properties of solids (pdf)
  • Quantum Optics (pdf)
  • Molecular biophysics of proteins and RNA: basic principles and single molecule studies
  • Physics of Semiconductors (pdf)
  • Nanostructures of biological origin
  • Imaging Methods in Nano and Physical Sciences – Electron Microscopy (pdf)
  • Imaging Methods in Nano and Physical Sciences – Scanning Probe Microscopy
  • Non equilibrium Green Functions
  • Quantum transport in  mesoscopic systems (pdf)
  • Advanced Solid State Physics (pdf)
  • Conduct and misconduct in science (pdf)

List of the courses 2010:

  • Nanomagnatism and magnetic recording (pdf)
  • Quantum Optics (pdf)

List of the courses 2009:

  • Green Functions Method for the electronic Transport (pdf)
  • Molecular biophysics of proteins and RNA: basic principles and single molecule studies (pdf)
  • Basic solid state physics (pdf)
  • Conduct and misconduct in science (pdf)
  • More than pretty pictures. Seminar within the course "communication in science" (pdf)

List of the courses 2008:

  • Advanced and Nano-Magnetism
  • Advanced Solid State Physics (pdf)
  • Basic Biophysics (pdf)
  • Basic solid state physics (pdf)
  • Conduct and Misconduct in Science (pdf)
  • Imaging Methods in Nano and Physical Sciences (pdf)

List of the courses 2007:

  • Advanced Solid State Physics (pdf)
  • Conduct and Misconduct in Science (pdf)
  • Magnetism and superconductivity (pdf)
  • Semiconductors Physics (pdf)


2009. Prof Marina Marinovich
"Risk Assessment of Products of Nanotechnologies" (pdf)
2008. Prof. F. Luis
"Nanomagnetism" (pdf)
2007. Prof. L. Pavesi
"Nanophotonics: new emerging opportunities for interdisciplinary and competing research" (pdf)
2006. Prof. C. Calandra
"Electromagnetic vacuum energy and dispersion forces" (pdf)