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Courses 2023-2024

Title: "Intermolecular & Surface Forcesin Bio-molecules" (3CFU)
Topics: Intermolecular forces: Lennard-Jones Potential, Coulombic and Dipole-Dipole Forces, Polarization of Molecules, Dipole-Induced Dipole, London Dispersion Forces, Steric Repulsion and Hydrogen Bonding; Surface Forces; Van der Waals Forces between surfaces, Derjaguin Approximation, Hamaker Approach; Introduction to Protein-surface interactions.
Lecturer: Dr. Giorgia Brancolini CNR-Nano S3
Dates: 3 ; 9 ; 10; 16 November 2023 from 11h to 13h
Location: Room L1.4

Title: "Ultrafast spectroscopies applied to functional materials" (3CFU)
Topics: The course aims at introducing ultrafast spectroscopies and their application for the description of dynamic processes in functional materials. Ultrafast photon sources - like femtosecond lasers and free electron lasers - will be introduced. The course will also describe the most advanced pump-probe techniques, like for example femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, pump-probe XAS, two-photon photoemission, ultrafast diffraction, and the different methodologies used to detect ultrafast changes in the properties of materials. Finally, it will illustrate the application of ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopies to functional materials, like oxides, 2D compounds, photo(electro)catalysts, plasmonic materials, and more.
Lecturer: Dr. Paola Luches CNR-NANO
Dates: 21; 28/11 e 5/12, 2023 from 15h to 17h
Location: Seminar Room CNR S3, third floor, Physics building via Campi 213A.

Title: "Corso Complementare su management dei progetti di ricerca e bibliometria"
Dates: 12 ; 13 ; 14; 15 December 2023
Location: Aula Magna T0.1 (Aula Magna); Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza; Comparto San Geminiano, in Via San Geminiano 3 - MODENA - [pdf]

Title: "New approaches to the path integral in statistical mechanics and quantum theory: numerical and analytical methods"
Visiting professor: James P. Edwards University of Plymouth UK
Dates: April-May 2024

Title: "Quantum materials"
Lecturer: Dr. Enrico Da Como Department of Physics, University of Bath UK
Dates and location: Fridays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th May 2024, 14h30-17h. Room L1.5, MO17 Dpt Physics - [pdf]

Title: “Lectures on first-principles simulations of materials: from thermal properties to electrochemistry”
Visiting professor: Prof. Pablo Ordejón Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia - ICN2
Dates: April-May 2024

1) "Organic Electronics"
2) "Organic Bioelectronics and Neuroelectronics"
Speaker: Prof. Fabio Biscarini (UNIMORE, member of PhD on PNS)
"Organic Electronics"
30 maggio ore 14-16 AULA U0.2
31 maggio ore 14-16 AULA U1.3

"Organic Bioelectronics"
6 giugno ore 11-13 AULA U1.1
7 giugno ore 14-16 AULA U1.3

Seminars & Courses on different topics of our PhD School offered by PhD students (2024)

Title: Introducing the research system "behind the scenes": case studies and critical discussions
Lecturer: Prof. Elisa Molinari UNIMORE and Dr. Fulvio Paleari CNR-NANO
Abstract: We plan modular short courses introducing some key aspects of our research system, to illustrate their main coordinates and stimulate a critical approach through the analysis of case studies. Our challenge will be to foster broader awareness and practical knowledge ("how to ...") at the same time. Four different modules will be offered over two years (typically 2 modules per year, 4-8 lectures each): together they will build a broader picture, but they may be taken independently. They are meant for the PhD school in Physics and Nanosciences, but possibly interesting also for students from other graduate schools.
1: How is research funded ? An introductory overview: - The funding landscape and trends, case studies
- The structure of research projects at different scales, with practical "hands-on" examples ("how to...?")
- How is the system changing today?: the "post-academic era" and beyond.
Dates: Jan-Feb 2024
2: Images and (self-)narratives of science. An introductory overview:
- Communication as part of the scientific enterprise
- Our own image of research, as (would-be-)scientists
- Public perception and communication of science and research. How is it changing today?
- Case studies and practical examples.
Possible dates: late spring - summer - early autumn 2024

Title: "Introduction to on-shell scattering amplitudes"
Lecturer: Prof. Enrico Bertuzzo, FIM UNIMORE
Dates and location: 10, 11, 12 January 14:00 to 16:00 room L1.4
Abstract: In this set of lectures, we will introduce techniques that allow to bypass the notion of quantum fields and write scattering amplitudes simply using covariance under a specific set of Lorentz transformations. We will also show some concrete application to cases of physical interest.

Title: “Scientific Communication in English”
Lecturer: Prof. A. Wallwork
Dates: Jan, Feb 2024

  • 29 Jan, 0900-1200, 1300-1500 = 5h
  • 30 Jan, 0900-1200, 1300-1500 = 5h
  • 19 Feb, 1400-1700 = 3h
  • 20 Feb, 1030-12.30, 1315-1515 = 3h
  • 21 Feb, 0900-1200, 3h

Location: Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche

Short lectures by/for PhD Student

Title: Introduction to Excitonic Energy Transfer
Speaker: Daniel López Díaz (PhD student PNS)
Date and Location:

  • Tuesday 16th January 11h -13h room L1.7
  • Thursday 18th January 15h -17h room L1.7

Abstract: This 4-hours introductory course on excitonic energy transfer is designed for master and PhD students without specialized backgrounds. The course begins with a general introduction to excitonic energy transfer and an overview of state of the art in the field (1 h), followed by a section on the necessary background about excitons and solid-state physics (1 h). The core of the course focuses on common excitonic energy transfer mechanisms (1 h 15 mins), delving into the basics, influencing factors, and simple applications. The course concludes with a brief discussion on experimental techniques (30 mins) and key takeaways (15 mins).

Title: Thermoelectric Energy Conversion and Harvesting: Fundamentals and Applications Speaker: Muhammad Isram (PhD Student of PNS)

  • Tuesday 23rd January 11h -13h room L1.7
  • Thursday 25th January 15h -17h room L1.7

Abstract: The lectures aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physics, materials, and engineering aspects involved in converting temperature differentials into electrical power. The course begins by elucidating the fundamental principles of thermoelectricity, exploring the Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson effects, and their interplay in thermoelectric energy conversion.
Subsequently, the lectures will delve into the crucial role of thermoelectric materials, elucidating their properties, design considerations, and advancements. By the end of the lecture, participants will gain insights into the multifaceted aspects of thermoelectric energy conversion, equipping them with knowledge essential for both academic pursuits and practical applications in the ever-evolving field of energy harvesting.

Title: Introduction to Electron Microscopy
Speaker: Payam Habibzadeh Kavkani (PhD Student of PNS)

  • Tuesday 30th January 16h -18h room L1.7
  • Thursday 8th February 15h -17h room L1.7

Abstract: This course delves into the fundamentals of electron microscopy, focusing on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Explore how these techniques are applied in imaging, holography, crystallography, Lithography, and spectroscopy, driving various scientific and technological advancements.
"Transmission Electron Microscopy" by David B. Williams and C. Barry Carter
"Introduction to Conventional Electron Microscopy" by Marc De Graef
Keywords: Electron Microscopy, SEM, TEM, imaging

Title: Raman Spectroscopy: fundamentals and applications to Two Dimensional Materials
Speaker: Arslan Liaquat (PhD. Student of PNS)

  • Tuesday 13th February 11h -13h room L1.7
  • Thursday 15th February 15h -17h room L1.7
LECTURE I: METHODS AND TECHNIQUES Fundamentals of Raman Spectroscopy : Basic principles of Raman scattering. Raman spectral features. Advanced Raman Techniques Raman imaging and mapping. Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS). Ultra-low frequency Raman
LECTURE II: APPLICATIONS TO 2D MATERIALS Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene. Determining number of layers. Assessing sample quality and disorder, defects, doping . Raman Spectroscopy of other 2D Materials. Unique properties of 2D materials. Raman signature of 2D materials like graphene, TMDs. Dependence of Raman modes on number of layers

Title: "Introduction to Solid State Systems: In the Context of Materials for Fuel Cells and Batteries"
Speaker: Mostafa Salimi (PhD Student of PNS)
  • Tuesday 20th February 16h -18h room L1.7
  • Thursday 22th February 15h -17h room L1.7
Abstract: This course will provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of solid-state physics, with a focus on their application to the development of materials for fuel cells and batteries. We will cover topics such as: The electronic structure of solids. Density functional theory (DFT). The physics of fuel cells and batteries. Quantum Espresso. High-performance computing (HPC). The course is designed for graduate students and researchers with an interest in solid-state physics, materials science, and energy storage.

Title: "Publish or Perish"
  • 29-30/05/2024, ore 9-11, online + presenza a Reggio Emilia (Campus San lazzaro/Padiglione Buccola-Bisi/Aula F1.6 [RE 07])
    29/05: 2° modulo (1,5h): Open access e dati della ricerca + 3° modulo (0,5h): Risorse bibliografiche e servizi SBA UNIMORE
    30/05: 1° modulo (2h): Bibliometria e valutazione della ricerca
  • 28-29/11/2024, 09:00 to 11:00, online,
    1st part (2h) (in English): Bibliometrics and research assessment
    2nd part (1,5h) (in English): Open access and research data management + 3rd part (0,5h) (in English): Bibliographic resources and services provided by the Library System
  • 20-21/01/2025, ore 9-11, online + presenza a Modena (da definire) +
    20/01: 1° modulo (2h): Bibliometria e valutazione della ricerca
    21/01: 2° modulo (1,5h): Open access e dati della ricerca + 3° modulo (0,5h): Risorse bibliografiche e servizi SBA UNIMORE

Title: "Applied Quantum Computing to Atomistic Simulations of Molecules and Materials"
Topics: The course provides an introduction to quantum computing: quantum circuits, qubit gates, basic algorithms, the use of quantum simulators & quantum computers. The class aims at illustrating the use of hybrid quantum/classical algorithms, e.g., the variational quantum eigensolver, for the calculation of the ground and excited states of molecules and materials. Recent results obtained with error mitigation techniques will be presented. Participants will learn the basics of how to formulate and solve quantum chemistry and condensed matter problems using Qiskit. The lectures will assume little to no prior knowledge of quantum computation. We will provide step-by-step instructions with Jupyter notebooks on how to solve the problems from the ground up with as little hidden complexity as possible.
Instructor: Marco Govoni
Dates: 4th and 5th of June 2024, 9:15am-noon
Location: M0.2 Room, Math building, via Campi 213/b Modena

Title: "Introduction to Random Variables and Complex Systems"
1 Probability and Random Variables
2 Time-Dependent Probability Distributions: Buses and Populations
3 Maps, Chaos, and Fractals
4 Moments, Cumulants, and Transformations of Variables
5 Sums of Variables, Limit Distributions, Extremals, and Others
6 Random Walks and Recurrences
7 Time Series, Correlations, and Power Spectra
8 Markov Chains
9 The Langevin Equation
10 The Fokker-Planck Equation
Instructor: Alberto Petri
Dates: 10-12 hours Feb. March 2025
Location: Math building, via Campi 213/b Modena

Title: "Theory and numerical simulation of mass, charge and heat transport"
Instructor: Stefano Baroni (SISSA) e Federico Grasselli
Dates: Spring 2025

Title: "Fundamental of DNA nanotechnology"
Instructor: Denis Garoli
DNA nanotechnology is a branch of nanotechnology concerned with the design, study and application of synthetic structures based on DNA. DNA nanotechnology takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of DNA rather than the genetic information it carries. In this short course we will discuss the basic concepts and the most important applications of DNA nanotechnology in the realization of devices for nanophotonics and nanoelectronics
Dates: 20th November to 15 December.