Title: Investigation of reversal processes in thermoset polymers Tutor: Andrea Alessandrini, Alberto Ghirri. Abstract: Thermoset polymers, which are produced by creating cross-linked structures upon heat treatment, find wide application in various sectors, including the construction sector. The cross-linking process is considered an irreversible process, thus determining the life cycle and environmental impact of these materials. The main aim of the proposed research activity is the investigation of reversal processes in thermoset polymers under specific chemo-physical treatments, following preliminary results of the R&D section of the Acell company [1]. To this end, the candidate will carry out an experimental characterization of thermoset polymers under different external stimuli by means of spectroscopic techniques (e.g. infrared spectroscopy). The activity will be developed in collaboration with a computational group at CNR-NANO [2], to support experiments with in silico simulations. Periodic stays in the R&D group of Acell, as well as in partner institutions/companies abroad, are also planned. Collaborations: [1] Acell Italy Srl, www.acelltec.com; [2] Laura Zanetti Polzi & Deborah Prezzi (Istituto Nanoscienze CNR, www.nano.cnr.it).