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This PhD course aims at the development and application of experimental techniques and advanced theoretical/computational methods for studying matter and systems at micro- and nano-scale. PhD students have access to local (lithographies) and international (synchrotrons, supercomputer) facilities and they will participate in national / international research networks with stages abroad.

The School is structured in to 3-year PhD curricula:

"Physics". This training path aims at developing research activities in the physics of matter through the acquisition of experimental and theoretical skills. The objective is to train experts in research in experimental/theoretical physics and physical methods applied in different fields.

"Nanosciences and Nanotechnology". This is an interdisciplinary curriculum open to students with different backgrounds (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.) The themes that characterize this path include: nano-systems for energy conversion, quantum technologies, functional surfaces and nanostructured systems: fabrication, microscopy and spectroscopy, (nano-)bio systems preparation and study of functional molecules and graphene, nano-tribology, advanced computational methods and theoretical physics, physics of (nano-)devices. The objective is to develop interdisciplinary skills in the areas of nanoscience that are necessary to interact with different operators in multi-disciplinary areas.

The training will allow to acquire the skills necessary to start academic careers as researcher or technology roles in universities and research institutes in Italy and abroad, as well as in the training of executives in industry and services.