Courses 2022-2023 (cycles: XXXVII-under evaluation procedure, XXXVI)
Course on Scientific Communication in English
Lecturer: Professor Adrian Wallwork
Location: Dpt of Physics, room L1.2- 1 Feb: 15.00-18.00 = 3 hours
- 2 Feb: 14.30-17.30 = 3 hours
- 3 Feb: 14.30-17.30 = 3 hours
- 15 Feb: 14.00-18.00 = 4 hours
- 16 Feb: 14.30-17.30 = 3 hours
- 17 Feb: 9.00-12.00, 13.00-14.00 = 4 hours
This Course will be shared with PhD Students of other Schools.
Reservation is needed. -
Course on "Machine Learning Interatomic Potentials - A short course"
Abstract Machine learning interatomic potentials have recently established themselves as a method of choice in many atomistic simulation projects, as they can act as surrogate of ab initio interatomic potentials to run molecular dynamics simulations at just a fraction of their computational load.
Lecturer: Dr. Federico Grasselli EPF Lausanne (CH)
Location: Room L1.5 Dpt of Physics via Campi 213A- 20 Feb 2023 time 14-17h
- 21 Feb time 14-17h
- 22 Feb time 14-17h
- 23 Febr time 14-17h
- 24 Feb time 9-13h
Courses on Informatics, Computer Science
- Specific courses organized yearly by CINECA
- DataCamp [10 CFU]
- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on Coursera
Title: "Good practices in research" (3CFU)
Lecturer: Prof. Elisa Molinari (Unimore)
Dates: Spring 2023
Abstract: How the research world works in practice in the scientific process; Communication and engaging a broader public; Funding of research. Developing soft skills. Writing and especially building- a good CV (I wish someone had told me
) giving a scientific talk and communicating at scientific meetings, writing a scientific paper, communicating to the general public, protecting your ideas: patents, writing a proposal for funding of a scientific project / fellowship.
Title: Introduction to Conformal Field Theory
Lecturer: Prof. Guillermo A. Silva (University of La Plata, Argentina)
Dates: March 2, May 26
Duration: 48 hours (24 lectures)
Class hours: Thursday 11-13, room L1.5, Friday 14-16, room L1.6
Abstract: This course will provide students with an introduction to conformal symmetry and conformal field theories (CFTs). These theories play a central role in various areas of theoretical physics, ranging from high energy physics and string theory to condensed matter systems, as well as in mathematics. After an extensive discussion of the physical foundations of conformal symmetry and the basics of conformal field theories, emphasis will be given to the study of theories in diverse spacetime dimensions and to the techniques used to solve them.
Title: Introduction to Integrability in QFT
Lecturer: Dr. Diego Hernán Correa
Duration: 16 hours = 8 lectures; start: 8th May
Class hours: Monday 16-18 (room L1.7), Tuesday 11-13 (room L1.4)
Keywords: QFT in lower dimensions, exactly solvable models, spin chain models
Abstract: Motivations: What is an integrable model? Historical remarks. Examples of integrable models. Integrability in Classical Mechanics: Hamiltonian mechanics. Integrals of motion. Liouville integrability. Phase space structure. Chaos vs. integrability. Structures Underlying Classical Integrability: Lax pair. Classical R-matrix. Spectral parameter. Spectral curve. Dynamical divisor. Integrability in Field Theory: Examples of Integrable Classical Field Theory models. Kortevegde Vries equation. Solitons and factorized scattering. Integrability structures. Lax monodromy and Lax scattering. Inverse scattering method. Spectral curves. Heisenberg magnet, Riemann surface of monodromy matrix, quasi-momentum, periods and moduli, finite-gap construction. Integrable Spin Chains: Heisenberg spin chain. Periodic and open boundary conditions. Coordinate Bethe ansatz: magnon states, scattering factor, factorized scattering, solution of the infinite chain. Bethe equations for spin chains with boundary conditions (open or periodic). Heisenberg XXX model with higher spin. Bethe ansatz for higher- rank algebras. Scattering matrix and nested Bethe ansatz.
Title: Fundamentals of quantum information processing
Lecturer: Prof. Paolo Bordone
Dates: Oct. 2023
Abstract: An introduction to the theory behind quantum computers and QIP in general. Topics range from the basic concepts of QIP such quantum entanglement and generalized quantum dynamics, to fundamental QIP algorithms.
Keywords:The qubit. Quantum gates. Density matrix. Quantum entanglement. von Neumann entropy. Generalized quantum dynamics. POVM. Quantum algorithms.
Title: "Advanced aspects of quantum information theory".
Lecturer: Franceso Albarelli UNIMI
- Mon 22/05 time 14:00 - 16:30, room L1.4
- Tue 23/05 time 14:00 - 16:30, room L1.3
- Mon 29/05 time 14:00 - 16:30, room L1.4
- Thu 1/06 time 14:00 - 16:30, room L1.4
Abstract: The course will give an overview of the fundamental theoretical underpinnings of quantum information theory (QIT), which is the conceptual foundation for subjects such as quantum computation, quantum criptography, entanglement theory, quantum metrology, etc. In short, QIT is the study of the ultimate capability of noisy physical systems, governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, to preserve and exploit information and correlations. Being targeted to graduate students, the first goal is to provide a map for the students to deepen their knowledge on subjects of interest and explore the recent literature independently. A second, more practical goal, is to introduce the students to the operational connections between abstract informational quantities and semidefinite programming, which is a fundamental tool in modern quantum information theory.
Title: "Elements of Quantum Technologies"
Lecturer: Prof. Marco Affronte
Dates: 28th april & 5th May time 11h to 13h and 2nd & 9th May; time 9h to 11h; room L1.6
Topics: Introduction to Quantum Technologies. Jaynes Cumming model Spin (NV centers in diamond) for quantum sensing. Josephsons Junctions. SQUIDs magnetometers. Superconducting qubits: charge-, flux- and transmon- qubits. Superconducting devices for quantum computation and detection.
- Introduction to QT [pdf]
- Rabi problem 2023 [pdf]
- NV spin centers for Qsensing [pdf]
- Superconducting qubits [pdf]
Title: "Fundamentals of Spintronics" (3CFU)
Lecturer: Prof. Marco Affronte
Dates/room: [19th & 26th May time: 11h to13h] [23rd & 30th May time: 9h to 11h] room L1.6
Topics: Free electrons, spin split of electronic bands in metals; Ferromagnetic/normal metal interfaces; Spin Injection and Accumulation at interfaces; Scattering & spin relaxation mechanisms; two-resistors model; FM/N multilayers; Giant Magneto Resistance. Spin valve; Magnetic Random Access Memory.Spin transfer torque. Spin transfer Oscillators. Spin-orbit effects at interfaces.
Rashba effects.spin transistors. Spin Hall effect. Molecular Spintronics: from graphene to single molecule transistors.
Title: "Topological Insulators"
Lecturer: Prof. Marco Gibertini
- Tuesday May 9, 16-18, room L1.7
- Wednesday May 10, 14-16, room L1.7
- Tuesday May 16, 16-18, room L1.7
- Wednesday May 17, 14-16, room L1.7
Abstract: This course provides an introduction to the role of topology in condensed matter physics and in particular to the topological classification of materials and its interplay with symmetries. Concepts will be illustrated through simple models, keeping the mathematical complexity to a minimum, and discussing experimental realizations whenever possible.
Title: Electrochemical molecule-surface manipulation.
Lecturer: Claudio Fontanesi
Dates/hours: April May 2023 / 8 (two 4-hours or 4 two-hours, sessions)
Abstract/keywords: Electrochemistry is a tool able to manipulate molecules and/or surfaces. For instance electro-polymerization, surface functionalization (electrodesorption of thiols, production of porous silicon, chemisorption of diazonium salts
) processes can be controlled and driven in an electrochemical experimental environment. Here, a condensed series of lessons will span from a basic electrochemistry introduction from equilibrium (electrochemical potential and equilibrium, in relation to thermodynamics: Nernst equation) to faradaic processes (kinetics: Butler-Volmer equation). Then, four case studies will be illustrated and thoroughly examined in detail, concerning the use of electrochemical tools exploited in manipulating molecules and surfaces. / electrochemical potential, Nernst equation, Butler-Volmer, electropolymerization, electron transfer, spin-dependent electrochemistry.
Title: "Intermolecular and Surface Forces of Biomaterials"
Lecturer: Dr. Giorgia Brancolini (CNR-Nano S3)
Dates/duration: Nov-Dec 2023. 8h
Abstract: Qualitative Introduction to intra- and intermolecular forces;
Quantitative description of intra- and intermolecular forces;
Colloids and interparticle potentials. Molecule-surface and Protein-surface interactions;
Biocompatibility: Protein-Biomaterial interactions.
Title: "Fluctuation theorems: Theory and applications to numerical simulations and experimental data"
Lecturer: Dr Alessandro Mossa (CNR-NANO S3)
Dates/duration: Oct.-Nov 2023; 8h
Abstract: Introduzione su meccanica statistica di non equilibrio, con particolare attenzione ai teoremi di fluttuazione. Applicazioni tratte sia dal campo delle simulazioni numeriche sia da quello dellanalisi di dati sperimentali.
Titolo: The bottom-up approach towards nanostructures and functional surfaces: a surface-science perspective
Lecturer: Prof. Valentina De Renzi
Dates/hours: June 2023/ 6 hrs
Keywords: Self-assembling/ bottom-up approach /surface synthesis / supramolecular systems/functional surfaces
Title: "X-ray spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation"
Lecturer: Prof. Sergio DADDATO
Dates/duration: Nov-Dec 2023. 10h
Abstract/keywords: principles of X_ray diffraction, protein crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, X-ray reflectometry, X-ray Absorption.
Title: "Ultrafast spectroscopies applied to functional materials"
Lecturer: Dr. Paola Luches (CNR-NANO S3)
Dates/duration: Dec. 2023 / 6h
Duration: 48 hours (24 lectures)
Abstract: The course aims at introducing ultrafast spectroscopies and their potentialities to understand dynamic processes in functional materials. Ultrafast photon sources - like femtosecond lasers and free electron lasers - will be introduced in the first part. Various pump-probe techniques, like femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, pump-probe-XAS, two-photon photoemission, ultrafast diffraction, will then be described, with reference to the specific ultrafast transition to be followed dynamically. Finally, the course will show some selected examples of application of ultrafast techniques to functional systems, like oxides, 2D compounds, photo(electro)catalysts and plasmonic materials.
Keywords: ultrafast spectroscopies, femtosecond lasers, free electron lasers, dynamics of excited states, optically-induced phase transitions.
Title: "Two-dimensional material-based systems and devices for sustainable resources"
Lecturer: Dr. Francesco Rossella
Dates/duration: April/June 2023; 8h
Keywords: Graphene & 2D materials: fundamentals, device realization, sustainable synthesis and applications
Abstract: Graphene and 2D materials are playing an emerging role in enabling a sustainable development and a green deal in EU and worldwide, or in other words, the green revolution. Starting from these nanomaterials, researchers and as well as commercial endeavors are focused on developing innovative solutions for a greener and more sustainable future, concentrating on key issues ranging from the production of affordable and clean energy to the achievement of clean water and sanitation. This series of lectures will tackle multiple aspects of the science and technology of graphene & 2D materials, including: fundamentals of 2D material systems, device realization, sustainable synthesis and applications of graphene and other 2D materials.