Title: Low temperature experiments for qubit encoding with Molecular Spins Tutor: Prof. Marco Affronte, Dr. Claudio Bonizzoni Abstract: Molecular spins hold potential for encoding quantum bits when integrated into planar superconducting microwave resonators [1]. Molecular spins are suitable candidates for: i) encoding spin qubits [2], ii) realizing temporary memories for information [2], iii) implementing prototypes of basic single-qubit gate operations [3] and iv) quantum sensing of magnetic fields [4]. This thesis project aims to develop, implement and test advanced protocols (i.e. microwave and/or radiofrequency pulses sequences) for initializing, manipulating and reading out molecular spin qubits at low temperature, also in combination with machine learning methods [3]. The proposed PhD activity aims at mastering mixed microwave-radiofrequency pulse sequences for quantum control of solid-state qubits and in designing and testing protocols the implementation of two-qubit gate operations or for quantum sensing. Collaborations: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D). References & Link: https://www.lowtlab.unimore.it/[1] Adv. Phys. X 3,1435305 (2018) [2] npj Quantum Inf. 6,68 (2020) [3] Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 064074 (2022) [4] npj Quantum Inf. 10, 41 (2024)