Title:Fabrication and implementation of phase plates for coherent electron imaging Tutor: Prof. Marco Beleggia, Dr. Vincenzo Grillo (CNR-S3) Abstract: The advent of phase plates for electrons, devices that we can use to modulate the electron wave in phase and amplitude, has opened a new frontier for coherent electron imaging.For example, the illumination can be shaped in such a way to resonate with some specific features of the sample, thereby enhancing greatly the signal we acquire. As a consequence, we can reveal some previously hidden features of the sample, and/or acquire a much improved signal that greatly facilitate the analysis and the extraction of quantitative physical information. The goal of this project is to work experimentally, at the transmission electron microscope, with some phase plates that have been previously designed in our group, validate their functionality, and put them to good use in the observation of real samples both from materials and life sciences. Collaborations: FZ-Juelich (Dunin-Borkowski), DTU (Bunea). References: Phase plates in the transmission electron microscope: operating principles and applications. M. Malac et al., Microscopy (Oxf) 70(1):75-115. 10.1093/jmicro/dfaa070
Title: Strongly interacting free electrons in a TEM electron beam: Experiment & Theory Tutor: Prof Stefano Frabboni (UniMoRe), Dr Vincenzo Grillo and Dr Massimo Rontani (CNR-NANO) Abstract: This thesis is bridging theory and experimental development in the field of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). TEM is a very powerful technique for the analysis of matter and advanced metrology of quantum systems. It allows unrivalled imaging resolution, quantitative measurements, and spectroscopy. As quantum metrology concepts are revolutioning coherent e-beam studies, we need to better understand and exploit e-e interaction and decoherence. This thesis aims to the unconventional duty of modelling the coherent e-e interaction by using full configuration interaction, a theoretical tool borrowed from many-body physics. A major goal is to exploit TEM capabilities to probe strongly interacting Fermi systems in regimes typically not accessible in the lab, like the Wigner crystallization limit. The TEM group in Modena (CNR & UniMoRe) is on the forefront of this research and is installing a new state of the art TEM, whereas the theory group in Modena can boast excellence in modelling and computational handling of exotic many- and few-body states. If successful, this Thesis will enhance the ability to measure better with fewer electrons, with application in biology, material science and fundamental physics. Collaborations: Elisa Molinari (UniMoRe) References: [1] Rontani et al, JCP 124, 124102 (2006); Kalliakos et al, Nat Phys 4, 467 (2008); Pecker et al, Nat Phys 9, 576 (2013). [2] Haindl et al, Nat Phys 19, 1410 (2023).
Title: Advancing Energy Materials with AI-Enhanced Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy Tutor: Prof. Stefano Frabboni, Giovanni Bertoni, Enzo Rotunno. Abstract: The project is focused on the nanoscale characterization of materials for energy applications, such as nanostructured films (semiconductors, oxides) and new materials for energy storage (Li-ion batteries, capacitors, ). The project aims to integrate low resolution and high spatial resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to create highly accurate maps of the sample materials, by integrating imaging techniques (HRTEM, STEM) with spectroscopy techniques (EELS). We will take advantage of the new state-of-the-art high-energy resolution TEM currently under installation. By leveraging artificial intelligence, we will automate the entire process, from data acquisition to data analysis. This will involve developing and applying novel machine learning algorithms, to enhance the precision and efficiency, ultimately advancing our understanding and optimization of energy materials. Collaborations: CNR-S3. References & links: Ultramicroscopy 245, 113663 (2023) doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2022.113663 JACS 144 (8), 3442-3448 (2022) doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c11466 ACS Materials Letters 1 (6), 665-670 (2020) doi: 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.9b00412.
Title: Ultrastrong magnon-photon coupling in planar structures Tutor: Prof. M. Affronte, Dr. A.Ghirri Abstract: The hybridisation between light and matter degrees of freedoms is an effect described by quantum electrodynamics that is nowadays widely used in second generation quantum technologies, in particular in quantum computers. When the coupling between light and matter becomes very strong, i.e. in the ultrastrong coupling regime, novel effects are expected to come into play [1]. We have recently experimentally achieved the ultrastrong coupling with hybrid magnon-photon systems that are obtained by combining low-loss magnetic films with superconducting microwave resonators [2,3]. This proposal aims at: (a) exploring novel planar superconducting devices to improve the collective coupling and reach the threshold of the predicted superradiant phase transition (b) introduce non-linear effects as an additional tool to control the coupling strength. The experimental work will include the fabrication of superconducting devices and microwave measurements at low temperature. Collaborations: Istituto Nanoscienze - CNR; Universitą di Messina References & link: https://www.lowtlab.unimore.it/ [1] Ghirri et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 024039 (2023) [2] Ghirri et al. https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.02785 [3] Frisk Kokcum et al., Nat. Rev. Phys. 1, 19 (2019).
Title: Spin qubits from coordination chemistry: a molecular route to quantum information science Tutor: Prof. Andrea Cornia. Abstract: Metal-organic paramagnets exhibiting a highly coherent electron spin dynamics have been individuated as molecular quantum bits (qubits) with applications in quantum information science, including quantum computation and quantum sensing [1,2]. The proposed research activity will be carried out within the multidisciplinary team of ERC Synergy project CASTLe (https://www.castle.unifi.it/) and will focus on controlling and improving the spin dynamics of molecular qubits by design [3,4]. The PhD candidate will work primarily at the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences and will be trained in: (i) advanced synthetic techniques and crystallization methods in coordination chemistry, including the handling of air-sensitive materials using Schlenk line and glovebox operations; (ii) structural analysis by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction; (iii) physical methods to probe the electron spin dynamics, like ac magnetic techniques and electron paramagnetic resonance in continuous-wave or pulsed mode (in collaboration). Collaborations: prof. Mario Chiesa (UniTO), prof. Marco Affronte (UniMORE). References:[1] M. J. Graham et al., Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 1885. [2] M. Atzori and R. Sessoli, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 11339. [3] M. Imperato et al., Inorg. Chem. Front. 2024, 11, 186. [4] M. Imperato et al., Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 7912.
Title: Chirality induced spin selectivity in molecular materials Tutor: prof. Andrea Cornia, dott. Francesco Tassinari (DSCG). Abstract: Chirality induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect is the spin-filtering ability of homochiral systems, ranging from single molecules to polymeric materials. The CISS effect is actively investigated as an enabling tool for spin-selective chemistry, magnetless spintronics, and new quantum information protocols [1-3]. The proposed PhD project, to be mainly carried out at the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences (DSCG), will target the synthesis of chiral molecular materials prone to intramolecular electron transfer or electron conduction in the bulk phase. Systems of interest will range from simple dimetallic model complexes to 3D coordination networks with chiral linkers. The PhD candidate will be trained primarily in (i) organic and metal-organic synthesis, (ii) structural analysis by single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, and (iii) the investigation of CISS effect by spectroscopic methods and conductive-AFM measurements (in collaboration). Collaborations: Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel). References: [1] H. J. Eckvahl et al., Science 2023, 382, 197. [2] R. Naaman et al., Nat. Rev. Chem. 2019, 3, 250. [3] C. D. Aiello et al., ACS Nano 2022, 16, 4989.
Title: Spin-selectivity in ionic and electronic charge transport in chiral systems and interfaces Tutor: Prof. Claudio Fontanesi, Prof. Francesco Rossella Abstract: The charge transmission through chiral systems is spin selective: this is referred as chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect[1], a phenomenon which is attracting enormous fundamental interests and holds great potential for applications, from spintronics (logic-gates) to biology (anesthetics) to chemistry (enantio-recognition). The implementation of the CISS effect in electrochemistry led to the development of the so-called spin-dependent electrochemistry (SDE)[2,3]. SDE is a paradigm for addressing the influence of spin in the charge transmission at the electrode/solution interface. Unravelling the physics underlying the enantio-selectivity and chiral-induction processes is the focus of the present scientific research [4-6]. Different classes of nanoscaled substrates will be chiralized and studied, including 2D-electron/hole gases in planar semiconductor heterostructures, as well as ordered/disordered arrays of semiconductor nanowires and carbon nanotubes. Collaborations: Prof. Ron Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science. (Home of the CISS, effect) Prof. Massimo Innocenti, Dept of Chemistry, UniFI. Prof. Jana Vejpravovį, Dept. of Cond. Matter Physics, Charles Univ., Prague. Prof. Narcis Avarvari, Dept. of Chemistry, Angers. Dr. Andrew C. Jones and S. Mishra, Los Alamos Nat. Lab. References: [1] K. Ray, S.P. Ananthavel, D.H. Waldeck, R. Naaman, Science. 283 (1999) 814816. [2] C. Fontanesi, 7 (2018) 3641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coelec.2017.09.028. [3] P.C. Mondal, C. Fontanesi, D.H. Waldeck, R. Naaman, Acc. Chem. Res. (2016). [4] T.S. Metzger,et al., https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201911400. [5] S. Mishra, A. Kumar, M. Venkatesan, L. Pigani, L. Pasquali, C. Fontanesi, Small Methods. 4 (2020) 2070038. https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202070038. [6] A. Stefani, et al. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024) 2308948.
Title: Iontronic Nanodevices for Density of States Engineering in Semiconductors Tutor: Prof. F. Rossella. Abstract: The density of states engineering in semiconductor nanodevices, enabled by methods and tools of iontronics, is the topic of this project. Starting from semiconductor-based micro- and nano-structures, combined with systems of mobile ions such as ionic liquid electrolytes, the project aims at developing a new platform for engineering the density of states of electrons and holes in solid state devices. The realization and control of 1D ballistic channels and 0D systems such as quantum dots are targeted. Quantum technology applications of the novel devices developed within the project will be explored. Selected PhD candidates will be trained to becoming masters in advanced micro&nano-fabrication techniques, nanoscale semiconductor electronics, electrical and heat transport measurements combined to advanced ionic-gating methods, use of cryogenic systems and magnetic fields, multiscale finite element modeling. Collaborations: Nanotechnology Group, University of Salamanca, Prof. Enrique Diez Nanoscience Institute, National Research Council, Prof. Lucia Sorba. References and links: Heat-Driven Iontronic Nanotransistors. D. Prete, et al., Advanced Science 2023, 2204120 Ionic-Liquid Gating of InAs Nanowire-Based Field-Effect Transistors. Lieb, J., et al., Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, 1804378 Nanodevice Fabrication and Transport Laboratory, https://www.nanofab.unimore.it/
Title: Promoting advanced cardiomyocyte maturation by means of physical stimuli Tutor: Dr. Michele Bianchi Abstract: The development of in vitro assays using human cells to test compounds for cardiotoxicity in a high-throughput manner is a main target in the pharmaceutical field. Here, it is critical that the cardiac cells be as adult as possible, since contraction and electrical propagation in immature cardiomyocytes can greatly differ compared to adult ones. It has been demonstrated the possibility to obtain adult cells by applying physical stimuli such as cyclic stretching, shear stresses, topotaxis and electrical stimuli. In this thesis, the student will develop novel protocols to promote cardiomyocyte differentiation and maturation by synergically combining these stimuli exploiting ad-hoc realized lab-on-chip devices. Traction force microscopy, atomic force microscopy, immunofluorescence staining, gene and protein expression and electrophysiological evaluations will complete the suite of methods and techniques learned and exploited by the student to achieve complete cardiomyocyte maturation. Collaborations: : Prof. Maurizio Prato, Dr. Nuria Alegret (CIC-BIOMAGUNE, Spain), Prof. Andrea Alessandrini, Prof. Gianluca Carnevale (UNIMORE) References: 1) Ronaldson-Bouchard et al. Nature 556, 239243 (2018); 2) Bianchi et al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 59224-59235 (2023); 3) Ragazzini et al. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 49, 2243-2259 (2021).
Title: Green, Innovative and Sustainable Devices for Circular Electronics Tutor: Dr. Giuseppe Cantarella. Abstract: In our society, the field of electronics is one of the sectors with the greatest environmental impact, due to an increasing amount of waste generation, the use of rare elements and low recycling rate. In this respect, the integration of electronic devices on everyday objects, known as Internet-of-Things (IoT), and the continuous evolution of Silicon-based electronics for faster and high-performance systems, is contributing to a negative impact of modern technologies on the ecosystem. The doctoral project will be oriented toward the realization of innovative electronic devices. Based on the development of sustainable materials, and large-scale and low-cost fabrication methods, a wide range of electronic devices (such as sensors, transistors, circuits, etc..) will be designed, fabricated and characterized. This will involve the use of recycled materials and the absence of pollutants. Such devices will find applications in different areas, such as biomedicine and smart agriculture. Collaborations:Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) (Luxembourg); ETH Zurich (Switzerland); Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy).
Title: Mechanobiology by in vitro cell stretching devices coupled with microfluidic approaches Tutor: Andrea Alessandrini Abstract: Many cells in our tissues are continuously exposed to stretching stimuli and adjust their behaviour by homeostatic processes if these stimuli change. In this proposal, stretching devices will be developed in order to expose different cell types (cardiac fibroblasts, cells of the lung and other cells) to cyclic stretching stimuli coupled with shear stress produced by fluid flow in a microfluidic set-up. The devices will be characterized using FEA simulations and experimental investigations. In particular, the work will concentrate on the analysis of the homeostatic reaction of the traction force applied by cells to changing stimuli. To this aim, the Traction Force Microscopy technique will be implemented in the context of the stretching devices. At the same time, particular relevance will be given to the live-imaging of the mechanotrasduction processes from the substrate to the cell nucleus exploiting photolithographic approaches to introduce confined migration of the cells. Collaborations: Department of Life sciences Unimore, Eldor Lab (INBB Bologna). References: A Fully Integrated Arduino-Based System for the Application of Stretching Stimuli to Living Cells and Their Time-Lapse Observation: A Do-It-Yourself Biology Approach G Ragazzini, J Guerzoni, A Mescola, D Di Rosa, L Corsi, A Alessandrini, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 49 (9), 2243-2259, 2021 The NF-Y splicing signature controls hybrid EMT and ECM-related pathways to promote aggressiveness of colon cancer, Cancer Letters, Rigillo G et al, Cancer Lett, 2023, 567, 216262. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216262.
Title: Mechanobiology of multicellular aggregates Tutor: Prof. Andrea Alessandrini. Abstract: Studies of cell behaviour using in-vitro models could produce misleading results when they are translated to in-vivo systems due to non-physiological conditions for the cell culture environment. In order to improve the similarity to in vivo systems, multicellular spheroids appear as a very promising model system, especially to reproduce the microenvironment of tumor cells. In this thesis project we aim to study the mechanobiology of multicellular spheroids (e.g. glioblastoma multiforme) using Traction Force Microscopy of aggregates embedded in different extracellular matrices. At the same time, the mechanical properties of spheroids will be characterized using the micropipette aspiration technique and by analysing the spreading properties and the corresponding spheroid surface tension. Collaborations: Department of Life sciences Unimore, Eldor Lab (INBB) References: The NF-Y splicing signature controls hybrid EMT and ECM-related pathways to promote aggressiveness of colon cancer, Cancer Letters, Rigillo G et al, Cancer Lett, 2023, 567, 216262. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2023.216262.
Title: Growth and functional properties of physically synthesized core-shell nanoparticles. Tutor: Prof. Sergio DAddato Co-tutors: Paola Luches, Stefania Benedetti Abstract: The interest in metal nanostructured films has grown in the last years because of their fascinating physical properties and their potentiality in various applications, like photocatalysis and plasmonics [1,2]. We propose a PhD thesis devoted to the investigation of metal and core-shell nanoparticles physically synthesized with a gas aggregation source, able to produce and mass-select nanoclusters [2]. The study will be focused on the structure, chemical and electronic properties of the individual particles and of the nanoparticle assembled films. The nanoparticles will be deposited also on 2-D materials, in order to investigate their enhanced ability to store hydrogen, one of the crucial aspects in the technology of green energy production. Some of the techniques to be used in campus will be XPS, SEM, TEM and visible-UV spectroscopy. Part of the experimental activity will be also carried out at synchrotrons (XAFS and resonant photoemission and experiments). During the activities the Ph. D. student will be involved in a collaboration with groups from Universitą di Camerino and from Universitą di Roma tor Vergata for the production of a new 2-D material (Borophene) and its functionalization with core-shell Ti-TiO NP. Collaborations: Prof. R. Gunnella, Universitą di Camerino. Prof. A. Sgarlata, Unversitą di Roma Tor Vergata. References: [1] S. DAddato et al. Materials 21 (2022) 4429. [2] J. S. Pelli Cresi et al., Nano Letters 21, 1729 (2021). [3] M.C. Spadaro, S. DAddato, Phys. Scr. 93 (2018) 033001.
Title: Study and realization of 3-dimensional transistors based on 1D and 2D materials Tutor: Prof. Denis Garoli. Abstract: It is anticipated that the scaling of silicon (Si) complementary metaloxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices is close to its end, an alternative technology capable of maintaining advances in computing power and energy efficiency is CNT-based electronics. Computers based on CNT field-effect transistors (FETs) have been theoretically predicted to improve the power-performance by a factor of 10 over computers based on silicon CMOS technology. However, the fabrication of high-performance CNT-FETs, and the realization of the full potential of CNTs, are extremely challenging. The proposed activity concerns the modelling of nano-devices based on CNT-FETs and potential 2D materials-FETs; the study of the device performances; the realization of 1D and 2D materials-FETs systems by means of biofabrication and nanofabrication; the basic experimental tests of these devices. The project has broad implications in the world of physics, biotechnology and nanoelectronics. Collaborations: The project is related to a EU grant 3D-BRICKS and involves 8 academic partners around. References: Science 2020 May 22;368(6493):878-881. doi: 10.1126/science.aaz7435. Nano Lett. 2020, 20, 8, 56045615.
Title: Spectroscopic investigation of collective excitations and electronic properties in 2D materials Tutor: Prof. Valentina De Renzi Abstract: 2D materials, as in particular graphene and transition metal chalcogenides, are currently subject of extensive investigations due to their huge potential applications in the field of nanoelectronics, photonics, sensing, and energy storage. This research project aims to experimentally investigating the electronic properties and the collective excitations of 2D materials, by means of surface science techniques. In particular, two types of systems will be considered: (i) supported and free-standing graphene, with particular regards to the modification of its dielectric and electronic properties upon alkaline doping; (ii) transition metal dichalcogenides, which represents a rich playground to investigate the onset of correlated electronic phases, as for instance the charge density waves and excitonic insulator (EI) phases. Extensive collaborations with both theoretical and experimental groups are envisaged, as well as experiments based on synchrotron radiation techniques.
Title: Oxide-based materials for catalysis and energy-related applications Tutor: Dr. Paola Luches, Stefania Benedetti, Sergio DAddato Abstract: The catalytic activity of oxides can be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of low-concentration dopants or by nanostructuration. The proposed work aims at the design and synthesis of well-controlled oxide-based materials and at the study of their interaction with simple molecules, like H2, H2O or CH4 and of the effect of light irradiation. The activity includes the growth of the investigated systems by physical synthesis methods (MBE or magnetron sputtering), the electronic and morphological characterization by surface science techniques (e.g. STM, XPS, UPS) and the use of synchrotron radiation based spectroscopies (e.g. XAS, XPS), also at ambient pressure conditions and under light irradiation. Collaborations: Rita Magri (UNIMORE); Piero Torelli (CNR-IOM Trieste), Annabella Selloni (Princeton University, USA). References & links: [1] S. Benedetti et al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 27682 (2020). [2] A. Vikatakavi et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 18652 (2022). [3] A. Vikatakavi et al. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7, 2746 (2024). https://www.iom.cnr.it/research-facilities/facilities-labs/large-scale-facilities/ape-high-energy/
Title: Structure and electronic properties of photoexcited states in metal/oxide nanostructures Tutor: Dr. Paola Luches, Sergio DAddato Abstract: The proposed activity will be focused on the study of charge excitations in functional oxide-based materials, also in combination with plasmonic nanoparticles. The goal is to obtain materials with increased visible light harvesting efficiency and with an optimized density of long-living excited states, to be applied as efficient photocatalysts or as sensors. This aim will be achieved by addressing the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited states in systems with different composition and architecture using pump-probe methods. The work includes the growth of well controlled systems by physical synthesis and their investigation using ultrafast laser facilities and free electron lasers. Collaborations: Federico Boscherini (UniBO), Daniele Catone, Patrick OKeeffe (CNR-ISM Roma), Chris Milne and Manuel Izquierdo (Eu-XFEL, Hamburg), Giancarlo Panaccione (CNR-IOM Trieste). References & links: [1] J. S. Pelli Cresi et al. Nanoscale 11, 10282 (2019) [2] J. S. Pelli Cresi et al. Nano Letters 21, 1729 (2021) [3] E. Spurio et al. ACS Photonics 10, 1566 (2023) http://efsl.ism.cnr.it/it/ https://www.xfel.eu/facility/instruments/fxe/index_eng.html