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PhD Program Activities

PhD School "Physics and Nano Sciences"

The School is organized through the Credits Methods

- Grand Total 180 Credits (mandatory)
- Grand Total Courses and Seminars 45 Credits (mandatory)
- Grand Total Scientific Activities 135 Credits (mandatory)
- Tutoring: 40 hours in the bachelor or master's degree courses
 (Not mandatory, but strongly recommended).

Courses and seminars:

- Course of the PhD program: 3 Credits/course if attended; 5 Credits/(course+ exam)
- Extra University courses, Summer schools: from 1 to 5 Credits/course
- Seminars 1 Credits/seminar

Credits per Year:

1st year:

Courses & Seminars (20 Credits)

- courses 12 Credits
- seminars 5 Credits
- summer school 3 Credits

Scientific activity (40 Credits)

- scientific activities relevant for the PhD project and assessed in the annual interview (internal reports, papers, oral or poster presentations, conferences, workshop, stages

TOTAL 60 Credits

2st year:

Courses & Seminars (15 Credits)

- courses 5 Credits
- seminars 5 Credits

Scientific activity (45 Credits)

- scientific activities relevant for the PhD project and assessed in the annual interview (internal reports, papers, oral or poster presentations, schools, conferences, workshop, stages), thesis.

TOTAL 60 Credits

3st year:

Courses & Seminars (10 Credits)

- seminars 5 Credits

Scientific activity (45 Credits)

- scientific activities relevant for the PhD project reported in the annual interview (internal reports, papers, oral or poster presentations, schools, conferences, workshop, stages) 20 Credits
- thesis 30 Credits

TOTAL 60 Credits