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Next Courses (2024-25) for PhD Physics and NanoSciences.


Title: "Fundamental of DNA nanotechnology", Fundamentals of plasmonics; 4 credits

Lecturer: Prof. Denis Garoli; Dr. Luca Bursi UNIMORE
DNA nanotechnology is a branch of nanotechnology concerned with the design, study and
application of synthetic structures based on DNA. DNA nanotechnology takes advantage
of the physical and chemical properties of DNA rather than the genetic information it
carries. In this short course we will discuss the basic concepts and the most important
applications of DNA nanotechnology in the realization of devices for nanophotonics and
Dates 2024: 27, November ; time 2h30pm to 5pm; Dpt. Physics
Title: “Mechanical manipulation of single biomolecules with optical tweezers” 4 credits
Lecturer: Prof. Ciro Cecconi   
Key words: single molecule manipulation; optical tweezers; proteins
Dates: April 2025
Title: “Fundamentals of mechanobiology” 4 credits
Lecturer: Prof. Andrea Alessandrini 
key words: the cell cytoskeleton, Traction Force Microscopy, molecular clutch model.
Dates: June 2025



Title: Fundamental of Nanomaterials Science. 6 credits

Lecturer: Prof. S. D’Addato
Keywords: fundamentals of semiconductors; applications of semiconductors: devices,
optoelectronics: leds, lasers, PV cells; nanostructures and nanoparticles: magnetic
nanoparticles, plasmonic nanoparticles; techniques for studies of nanostructures:
microscopy, electron spectroscopies.
Dates: Feb. 2025

Title: Elements of Quantum Technologies, 4 credits

Lecturer: Prof . M. Affronte
Keywords: Introduction to Quantum Technologies. Jaynes Cumming model Spin (NV
centers in diamond) for quantum sensing. Josephsons Junctions. SQUIDs
magnetometers. Superconducting qubits: charge-, flux- and transmon- qubits.
Superconducting devices for quantum computation and detection.
Dates 2024: 9 Dec time 11h-13h; 12 dec time 14-16h; 16Dec. time 11h-13h; 19 Dec. time
14-16h . Dpt. of Physics room L.15



Title: "Introduction to Random Variables and Complex Systems" 6 credits

Lecturer: Alberto Petri (CNR-ISC)
Topics: Probability and Random Variables; Time-Dependent Probability Distributions:
Buses and Populations; Maps, Chaos, and Fractals; Moments, Cumulants, and
Transformations of Variables; Sums of Variables, Limit Distributions, Extremals, and
Others; Random Walks and Recurrences; Time Series, Correlations, and Power Spectra;
Markov Chains; The Langevin Equation; The Fokker-Planck Equation
Dates: Feb. March 2025

Title: "Theory and numerical simulation of mass, charge and heat transport" 6 credits.

Instructor: Prof. Stefano Baroni (SISSA) e Dr. Federico Grasselli (UNIMORE)
Dates: Spring 2025



Title: "Introduction to the renormalization group and critical phenomena" 6 credits.

Lecturer. Prof Diego Trancanelli
Dates: march-June 2025
Abstract: This course is an introduction to Wilsonian renormalization and critical points,
addressed to both high energy and condensed matter students. The content includes: the
Ising model, phase transitions and critical exponents, basics of path integrals, Landau-
Ginzburg theory, the renormalization group, spontaneous symmetry breaking, O(N)
models, sigma models, the epsilon-expansion, topological phase transitions. The only pre-
requisite is a basic course on Statistical Mechanics. Previous exposure to some field
theory (scalar fields) will be useful but not strictly necessary. 
Some suggested references:
N. Goldenfeld "Lectures On Phase Transitions And The Renormalization Group"
M. Kardar "Statistical Physics of Fields"



Title: “Publish or perish” 2 credits.

Lecturer: Andrea Solieri, Nicola deBellis, Ufficio Bibliometrico UNIMORE
Date 2024: Thursday, November 28th, h 9.00-11.00,
Friday, November 29th, h 9.00-11.00.