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Courses 2020-2021 (cycles: XXXVI, XXXV, XXXIV)

  • CORSO DI FORMAZIONE COMPLEMENTARE PER DOTTORANDI e ASSEGNISTI Edizione 2020 - 2021, in modalità online (language: italian)
    Come vedete dal programma qui in allegato, sono previste 4 sessioni modulari costituite da lezioni asincrone ed alcune sessioni interattive “live”. Al termine di ogni “corso” in modalità asincrona sarà richiesta al/alla partecipante la compilazione di un questionario di verifica. Accanto alle lezioni asincrone, i/le frequentanti avranno la possibilità di fruire di 7 lezioni interattive, secondo la seguente agenda (per cui NON è richiesta la compilazione di questionari di verifica):
    • 29 marzo 2021 ore 9.30 - 11.00 - L’ecosistema dell’Innovazione in Emilia-Romagna - Luca Piccinno – ArtER;
    • 31 marzo 2021 ore 14.00 - 16.00 - Esperienze di Open Innovation nell'Ecosistema emiliano-romagnolo Prof. Bernardo Balboni – Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi, Irene Comiti – ArtER, Alain Marenghi – ArtER;
    • 01 aprile 2021 ore 9.30 - 10.15 - L’ecosistema dell’Innovazione in Emilia-Romagna - " Soft Skills " - Luca Piccinno – ArtER;
    • 01 aprile 2021 ore 10.30 - 11.15 - L’ecosistema dell’Innovazione in Emilia-Romagna - " Design Thinking" - Luca Piccinno – ArtER;
    • 26 aprile 2021 ore 10.00 – 12.00 - Bibliometria, valutazione della qualità, Open access, Ufficio bibliometrico - Andrea Solieri e Simona Assirelli - Ufficio bibliometrico di ateneo – SBA;
    • 3 maggio 2021 ore 11:00-13:00 - Comunicare la ricerca, da Galileo alla citizen science - Federica Manzoli – Direzione ricerca, trasferimento tecnologico e terza missione (DRTTTM);
    • 3 maggio 2021 ore 14:00-15:00 - Progettare la ricerca in Europa: valorizzazione dei risultati - Dott.ssa Nadja Saendig – Direzione ricerca, trasferimento tecnologico e terza missione (DRTTTM);
    N.b: La frequenza delle sessioni live non è obbligatoria, ma fortemente consigliata.
    Per accedere alle lezioni asincrone i partecipanti dovranno collegarsi alla piattaforma e-learning di ateneo a questo link, autenticandosi nella schermata dedicata.
    Per i partecipanti non in possesso di account UNIMORE è previsto un Login dedicato.
    Per le sessioni in modalità sincrona:
    le lezioni interattive “live” si terranno attraverso la piattaforma Microsoft Teams. Il Corso si Microsoft Teams è disponibile a questo link inserendo il codice di iscrizione: cii0x7p
  • Courses on Scientific communication in English (online Zoom platform)
    Dates: March 2021 11, 16, 18, 23, 25; (09:00-11:00; 14:00-16:00, for hours/day)
    Title: Scientific Communication in English [5CFU] Lecturer: Adrian Wallwork

  • Courses on Computer Science
  • Courses on Intellectual property rights/ How to publish in high IF journals
    Specific courses organised by the University

    Dates: Spring 2021
    Format: on-line sessions and discussions with active student participation
    Title: "Good practices in research" (3CFU) Program: a selection of the following topics, to be agreed with the attending students
    • How the research world works in practice
      Communication in the scientific process; Communication and engaging a broader public;Funding of research
    • Developing ‘soft skills’
      Writing –and especially building- a good CV (“I wish someone had told me…”), giving a scientific talk and communicating at scientific meetings, writing a scientific paper, communicating to the general public, protecting your ideas: patents, writing a proposal for funding of a scientific project / fellowship.
    Lecturer: Prof. Elisa Molinari (Unimore)

  • Courses specific for PNS students
    The courses involve learning and practicing in advanced physics and nanoscience including:
    • quantum sciences and technologies;
    • nano-systems for energy conversion;
    • functional surfaces and nanostructured systems;
    • nanofabrication, microscopies and spectroscopies;
    • physics of bio (nano) systems;
    • functional molecules;
    • graphene; nano-tribology;
    • advanced computational theory and methods for nano-systems.

Courses scheduled until April 2021 As in previous Academic Years, the list is continuously updated


Location: Webinar
Title: “Ultrafast spectroscopies applied to functional materials” [3CFU]
Abstract: The course aims at introducing ultrafast spectroscopies and their potentialities to understand dynamic processes in functional materials. Ultrafast photon sources - like femtosecond lasers and free electron lasers - will be introduced. The course will then describe the different pump-probe techniques (for example femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, pump-probe-XAS, two-photon photoemission, ultrafast diffraction) and the different methodologies. Finally, it will illustrate the application of ultrafast techniques to functional systems, like oxides, 2D compounds, photo(electro)catalysts and plasmonic materials.
Lecturer: Prof. Paola Luches (CNR-Nano-S3)

Date: December 2020
Location: (POLIMI, Milano, IT)-webinar
Title: “Ultrafast optical spectroscopy” [5CFU]

Date: 04 January 2021
Location: ICTP (Trieste, IT)-webinar
Title: Advanced School on Materials and molecular Modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO [5CFU]
MaX - Materials design at the Exascale


  • 6 April 2021 10-12
  • 8 April 2021 10-12
  • 13 April 2021 10-12
  • 15 April 2021 10-12
  • 27 April 2021 10-12
  • 29 April 2021 10-12
  • 4 May 2021 10-12
  • 6 May 2021 10-12
Location: Webinar
Title: "Theoretical linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopy" [5CFU]
Abstract: Definition of the optical spectroscopy and applications (optical absorption, second- harmonic generation, high-harmonic generation). The electronic excitations; linear response theory for finite and infinite systems: response functions, dynamical polarizability and macroscopic dielectric function. Theoretical treatment of the excitations in linear response by Density-Functional Theory, Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory and Quantum Chemistry approaches. Beyond the linear response: how to solve the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in real time and obtain the relevant physical quantities for the optical spectroscopy. Description of phenomena in strong laser field for finite and infinite systems. Theoretical treatment of the excitations in nonlinear response by Density- Functional Theory, Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory and Quantum Chemistry approaches.
Lecturer: Prof. Eleonora Luppi (Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – CNRS; Visiting Professor of the PhD course Unimore)

Dates and Locations:

  • May 5th, 8h30-10h30; room M1.5
    Conduction, injection and relaxation mechanisms for in spins in metals and interfaces.
  • May 11th, 15h30-17h30; room M1.5
    Giant magnetoresistance.
  • May 12th, 8h30-10h30; room M1.5
    Magnetic recording.
  • June 15th, 9-11h; room L1.3 + TEAMS ( virtual room code: ko8o6pa)
    Fundamentals of spintronics
  • June 16th, 9-11; room L.1.3 + TEAMS ( virtual room code: ko8o6pa)
    Spintronic devices
  • June 17th, 9-11; room L.1.3+ TEAMS ( virtual room code: ko8o6pa)
    Molecular spintronics.
Cycle of Seminars on: “Fundamentals of Spintronics” [3CFU]
  • Fundamentals of Spintronics
    Spin split of electronic bands. Relaxation mechanisms for spins The two-resistors model. Spin Injection and Accumulation at interfaces. Ferromagnetic-Normal Metal multilayers. Giant Magneto Resistance. Spin manipulation by external fields.
  • Magnetic recording
    Principles and history. Magnetic supports: tapes and HD. Materials, layers and patterning. Analog and digital recording. Recording heads.
  • Spintronics devices.
    Spin valve; Magnetic Random Access Memory. Spin transfer torque. Spin transfer Oscillators. Spin transistors.
  • Molecular spintronics.
    Molecular platforms for spintronics. Molecular spin valves. Single Molecule Transistors: read out. Encoding quantum algorithms.
Lecturer: Prof. Marco Affronte , Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia


  • Thursday 6/5 (2--5 pm Italian time)
  • Wednesday 12/5 (2--5 pm Italian time)
  • Wednesday 19/5 (2--5 pm Italian time)
  • Friday 28/5 (2--5 pm Italian time)
  • Thursday 3/6 (2--4 pm Italian time)
  • Thursday 10/6 (2--4 pm Italian time)
Location: on line seminars
Title: Cycle of seminars on “Quantum Technologies meet Many-body Effects”[3CFU]
Content: The modulus aims at exploring the interface between quantum technologies and many-body interactions and correlations. Many-body interactions have key roles within these technologies: they allow for two-qubit quantum gates – necessary for quantum computation; they create entanglement, a fundamental resource for various quantum technologies; they are also responsible for decoherence, the main practical limitation to technological applications.
On the other side quantum information quantities such as entanglement may be used to the advantage of many-body physics, for example as witness to collective many-body phenomena, such as quantum phase transitions. Even well-established many-body techniques such as density functional theory, the state-of-the-art theory for quantum simulation of materials, have started to look at quantum information concepts to both develop the technique and as a possible new frontier for applications.
During the course, emphasis will also be given to finite-temperature systems, in particular in the context of the emerging quantum thermodynamics. Here many-body interactions affect protocols in various ways, for example, the (quantum) work produced by a quantum medium may be affected by the strength of many-body correlations among its components, while quantum phase transitions may modify quantitatively and qualitatively the quantum work distribution.
The modulus is self-contained and builds all the way from the introduction/refresh of basic concepts (entanglement, pure and mixed states, quantum work, quantum heat, etc) to lectures presenting state-of-the-art results, so these lectures, while being at the formal level for undergraduate students of the Laurea Magistrale (LM), will also be of interest for the fellows of the Graduate School in Physics and Nanoscience (lectures marked GS), as well as to Graduate schools in related fields, such as Mathematics and ICTs.
The tentative breakdown of the course is as follows (LM=Laurea Magistrale, GS=Graduate School)
  • Basic concepts in quantum technologies (2 hr, LM)
  • Entanglement in solid state systems (2 hrs, LM)
  • Decoherence in solid-state systems (2 hrs, LM
  • Introduction to quantum thermodynamics 1 (2 hrs, LM)
  • Introduction to quantum thermodynamics 2 (2 hrs, LM)
  • Many-body effects in quantum thermodynamics (2 hrs, LM + GS)
  • Quantum phase transitions in relation with entanglement and quantum thermodynamic quantities (2 hr, LM + GS)
  • Entanglement and Density Functional Theory (2 hrs, LM + GS)
Lecturer: Prof. Irene D'Amico (University of York, UK); Visiting Professor Unimore.


  • Monday, May 31, 9-11am
  • Tuesday, June 1, 9-11am
  • Thursday, June 3, 9-11 am
  • Monday, June 7, 9-11am
  • Tuesday, June 8, 9-11 am
  • Thursday, June10, 9-11am
Location: Online seminars
Title: Ab initio modelling of molecular magnetism: The case of Lanthanidebased Single Molecule Magnets " [5 CFU]
The complete lecture program is available on request ( )
Lecturer: Prof. Alessandro Soncini (University of Melbourne, School of Chemistry, Visiting Professor Unimore)

Dates: : October 22th to December 17th every Friday from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00
Location: Physics Building Room L1.5 and Centro Interdipartimentale Grandi Strumenti – TEM lab
Title: The transmission electron microscope-basics” [5CFU]
Abstract: Hands-on course. Introduction to electron microscopy with practical sessions of imaging, electron diffraction, electron interferometry. Data acquisition and first order interpretation.
Lecturer: Prof. Marco Beleggia (Unimore)

Dates: October 21th to November25th 2021, every Thursday from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00
Location: Physics building - Room L1.5
Title: "Basics of Synchrotron Radiation" [3CFU]
Abstract: Insertion devices in the synchrotrons: wigglers and undulators. Principles of Free Electron Lasers. Beamlimes operating in Hard X-rays, Soft x-rays, VUV. Optics. Detectors.
Lecturer: Prof. Sergio D’Addato (Unimore)


  • October 22th 9-11
  • October 27th 14-16
  • October 29th 9-11
Location: Physics building - Room L1.6
Title: "Intermolecular and Surface Forces" [3CFU]
Abstract: Qualitative Introduction to intra- and intermolecular forces; Quantitative description of intra- and intermolecular forces; Colloids and interparticle potentials. Molecule-surface and Protein-surface interactions.
Lecturer: Dr. Giorgia Brancolini (CNR-Nano S3)


  • October 19th 9-11
  • October 20th 11-13
  • October 26th 9 -11
  • October 27th 9-11
Location: Physics building - Room to be defined L1.5
Title: Atomic Force Microscopy: applications to nanomechanics [3CFU]
Abstract: Friction Force Microscopy. Calibration of the cantilever. Force distance curve: the spring model interpretation. Nanofriction: tribological properties of nano-patterned surfaces. Nanofriction: tribological properties of nano-patterned surfaces.
Lecturer: Prof. Alberto Rota (Unimore)

All courses of the MSc degree in Physics (see the full list “Curriculum and study plan” at Master Degree in Physics) can be attended by PhD students to complete their training in physics.